Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Sound of Praise

I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose breath rustles the tops of the trees;
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose whispers hum low through the earth;
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose laughter flows through the streams.
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose glad-hearted joy is the song of the birds;

He treads across the sky above
And the clouds are the footprints He leaves;
He spreads His peace, pure as a dove
And the wind is the rush of His wings.

I see the presence of the Savior
Whose crimson glow stains the morning sky;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose shimmering stars watch me sleep;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose silent rainbow promises life;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose arrows of lightening are fighting for me.

He treads across the sky above
And the clouds are the footprints He leaves;
He spreads His peace, pure as a dove
And the wind is the rush of His wings.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

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