Saturday, August 6, 2011

There Is A Way (Isaiah 30:12)

Out of my troubles,
There is a way.
Out of my sorrows,
There is a way.
Jesus has promised,
He is the way-

He gives light to see,
He directs my feet,
And shows me the way.

Through every valley,
There is a way.
Through every wild sea,
There is a way.
Jesus has promised,
He is the way-

He gives light to see,
He directs my feet,
And shows me the way.

Help me to hear You,
Confusion’s loud.
Help me stay near You,
Your voice surrounds.
Jesus is faithful,
The promised way-

He gives light to see,
He directs my feet,
And shows me the way.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Your Love Is (Psalm 19:1-6)

Your love is soft like the moon when it’s full
Giving full hope within
Your love is strong like the tide when it pulls
Washing me from all sin
Your love is wild like the storms when they blow
Cleansing me from my fears
You answer my heart’s deep need for Your love
To know that You are near

Your love is high, deep, wide
Rising over your Bride
Your love is high, deep, wide
I’m filled with Your love, Christ

You blush with love for me every morning
That’s why the dawn is rose
You yearn with love for me every eve’ning
That’s why the sunset glows
You shine with love for me in the daytime
That’s why the sun burns bright
You cover me with a blanket of stars
That’s why they wink at night

Your love is high, deep, wide
Rising over your Bride
Your love is high, deep, wide
I’m filled with Your love, Christ

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Risen Lord

You came, My Lord,
My Redeemer, to save,
You reign, My King,
Over the grave;

You died and descended,
Then away rolled the stone,
You took the keys in Your hand,
You’ve taken the throne!

You’re coming one day,
The clouds You’ll blow away,
How great a shout there will be;

Like the thund’rous whirling
Of a tornado swirling,
A hurricane bursting over the sea;

On the wind ‘neath Your wing,
Like an eagle I’ll soar,
Rising, I’ll rise with my risen Lord!

You’re the Root of David,
The Vine of Life,
The Bright Morning Star,
Heaven’s pure light;

You’re the Alpha, Omega,
The Beginning, the End,
And surely and quickly
You’re coming again!

You’re coming one day,
You’ll blow the clouds away,
How great a shout there will be;

Like the thund’rous whirling
Of a tornado swirling,
A hurricane bursting over the sea;

On the wind ‘neath Your wing,
Like an eagle I’ll soar,
Rising, I’ll rise with my risen Lord!

Author:  Carolyn Roehrig

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Holy God

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I raise my eyes to look upon You
            And I see
You’re already looking at me;

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I hold up my hands to take Yours in mine
            And I find
You’ve been holding my hands all along;

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I set my feet to walk with You
            And I sense
You’ve been walking with me everyday;

O-O-Oh, Holy God, Holy God, Holy God
The closer I get to You,
O-O-Oh, Holy God, Holy God, Holy God
The closer I want to be

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I lift up my thoughts to be filled with You
            And I learn
You’ve filled Your thoughts with me all my life;

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I open my mouth to call on Your name
            And I hear
You’ve been calling my name from the start;

O-Oh, Father
O-O-Oh, My God
I give my heart to love only You
            And I know
You loved me in Your heart before time;

O-O-Oh, Holy God, Holy God, Holy God
The closer I get to You,
O-O-Oh, Holy God, Holy God, Holy God
The closer I want to be

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Sound of Praise

I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose breath rustles the tops of the trees;
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose whispers hum low through the earth;
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose laughter flows through the streams.
I hear the sound of praise for the One
Whose glad-hearted joy is the song of the birds;

He treads across the sky above
And the clouds are the footprints He leaves;
He spreads His peace, pure as a dove
And the wind is the rush of His wings.

I see the presence of the Savior
Whose crimson glow stains the morning sky;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose shimmering stars watch me sleep;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose silent rainbow promises life;
I see the presence of the Savior
Whose arrows of lightening are fighting for me.

He treads across the sky above
And the clouds are the footprints He leaves;
He spreads His peace, pure as a dove
And the wind is the rush of His wings.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There is a Miracle

Who spoke the light from the dark?
Who pulled dry land from the waters?
Who named the morning and eve
And called forth life and seed?

Who set the lights in the sky?
Who let them be for seasons and signs?
Who blessed the oceans and sky
And land, “Increase and multiply”?

God made creation that we,
When in the darkest of times, His star light might see.
When the world around is drowning at sea,
He puts solid ground under our feet.

There is a miracle,
The Word of hope for the hurting world.
All of creation is waiting to be
Set free, set free into God’s glory.

Who spoke with His Spirit and Son?
Who formed all peoples and nations?
Who knew the end from the start
And poured love from His heart?

Who comforts with mercies tender?
Who sings, “I am Defender!”?
Who gathers together the outcasts to heal them
And, Oh, Who binds up the broken?

God made creation that we,
When in the darkest of times, His star light might see.
When the world around is drowning at sea,
He puts solid ground under our feet.

There is a miracle,
The Word of hope for the hurting world.
All of creation is waiting to be
Set free, set free into God’s glory.

Lord of salvation!
Spirit of revelation!
Father of freedom!
“Come, Redeemer, come!”

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Friday, March 11, 2011

Again I Need

Tell me again,
Again I need to hear,
How that You bled and died and cried out,
“It’s finished!” for all to hear.

Tell me again,
Again I need to know,
How that my sins are forgiven, I live
Because You rose.

You rose!  Jesus, You rose!
There’s no victory down in the grave;
Death cannot hold me
Because You told me
For my sin, Your life You gave.

Show me again,
Again I need to see,
How by Your light I may come when You call,
“Follow Me!”

Show me again,
Again I need Your eyes,
To see who I am, redeemed I stand,

Reconciled!  Reconciled!
There’s no victory down in the grave;
Death cannot hold me
Because You told me
For my sin, Your life You gave.

Remind me again,
Again I need to think right,
So when doubt assails, faith prevails
To believe You’re the Truth, Way and Life.

Remind me again,
Again I need Your Word,
So I may rejoice when I hear Your voice say,
“Beloved, of My love be assured!”

Be assured!  Be assured!
There’s no victory down in the grave;
Death cannot hold me
Because You told me
For my sin, Your life You gave.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come and See the One on the Throne (from Revelations 4)

Highly, highly, highly praised,
Redeemer, Lion, Lamb that was slain;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
Who was and is and is to come;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Elders with crowns of gold they cast down,
Living, winged creatures with eyes all around;
Fiery sapphire,
Emerald, jasper a
Halo of covenant colors!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Worthy, worthy, worthy God,
Of eternal praises, glory and laud;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hallelujah, God (From Psalm 138)

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve filled my heart
            with more praise than it can hold;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve filled my soul!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve opened my thoughts
            to thoughts too great for me;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve opened my eyes
            to more light than I can see.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve magnified Your Word
            above all Your name;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve magnified Your reign!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve bent my knee lower
            than I could ever bow low;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve given me more
            than I could ever own.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve spoken the words
of your mouth for me to sing;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve spoken, “It’s so,” You are King!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve stretched out Your hand
            to rescue me from my foes;
Ha-lle-lu…Your concern over me
            is far more than I can know.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Monday, February 7, 2011

Praise the Lord (From Psalm 148)

Praise the Lord from
     the heavens and heights;
Praise the Lord, sun,
     moon, stars of light;
Praise the Lord, all
   His angels and hosts;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Praise the Lord, sea
     creatures of mirth;
Praise the Lord, beasts
     creepers and birds;
Praise the Lord, hills,
     mountains and trees;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Praise Him in
     the stormy winds;
Praise Him in
     the lightenings;
Praise Him, hail,
     fog, frost and snow;
Let the praise the name of the Lord!

Praise the Lord, maidens
     and men;
Praise the Lord, princes,
Praise the Lord, who
     judge and rule;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Hallelu…, hallelujah!

God has lifted a horn
     for His own;
He’s lifted a song
     of praise from His throne;
He sings over His people and all
     who are near;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig