Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come and See the One on the Throne (from Revelations 4)

Highly, highly, highly praised,
Redeemer, Lion, Lamb that was slain;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
Who was and is and is to come;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Elders with crowns of gold they cast down,
Living, winged creatures with eyes all around;
Fiery sapphire,
Emerald, jasper a
Halo of covenant colors!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Worthy, worthy, worthy God,
Of eternal praises, glory and laud;
Come and behold,
In Heaven a throne,
Come and see the One!

Where a high wind is blowing,
Where a fiery cloud is glowing,
A voice thunderous, rolling in Heaven; 
Where hands of light’ning clash searing white,
Where gold and crystal flash pure and bright,
Come see the One
on the throne!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hallelujah, God (From Psalm 138)

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve filled my heart
            with more praise than it can hold;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve filled my soul!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve opened my thoughts
            to thoughts too great for me;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve opened my eyes
            to more light than I can see.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve magnified Your Word
            above all Your name;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve magnified Your reign!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve bent my knee lower
            than I could ever bow low;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve given me more
            than I could ever own.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Ha-lle-lu…You’ve spoken the words
of your mouth for me to sing;
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve spoken, “It’s so,” You are King!
Ha-lle-lu…You’ve stretched out Your hand
            to rescue me from my foes;
Ha-lle-lu…Your concern over me
            is far more than I can know.

Hallelujah, God, hallelujah!
Hallelujah, My God, hallelujah!
You’ve overwhelmed me;
You’ve overwhelmed me…

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Monday, February 7, 2011

Praise the Lord (From Psalm 148)

Praise the Lord from
     the heavens and heights;
Praise the Lord, sun,
     moon, stars of light;
Praise the Lord, all
   His angels and hosts;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Praise the Lord, sea
     creatures of mirth;
Praise the Lord, beasts
     creepers and birds;
Praise the Lord, hills,
     mountains and trees;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Praise Him in
     the stormy winds;
Praise Him in
     the lightenings;
Praise Him, hail,
     fog, frost and snow;
Let the praise the name of the Lord!

Praise the Lord, maidens
     and men;
Praise the Lord, princes,
Praise the Lord, who
     judge and rule;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
(Ha-lle-lujah, Lord!)
Hallelu…, hallelujah!

God has lifted a horn
     for His own;
He’s lifted a song
     of praise from His throne;
He sings over His people and all
     who are near;
Let them praise the name of the Lord!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Lord is on Our Side (from Psalm 65)

Our God surrounds,
As the mountains surround,
Forever and forth
From this time;

And to God belongs
Silent wonder, loud songs,
Praise bursting is due
And fitting to You.

O Lord, our Lord always, evermore,
The Lord is on our side,
And those who trust, who trust in the Lord,
Shall never be moved, but forever abide.

And if I though yet again
To sin condescend,
O God, You’ve prevailed
And purged them away;

This much I know,
You’re the confidence, hope
Of all the ends of the earth
And when I’m far off at sea.

O Lord, our Lord always, evermore,
The Lord is on our side,
And those who trust, who trust in the Lord,
Shall never be moved, but forever abide.

Your presence is more
Than all nature can store,
Morning and evening
Are born to shout, “Joy!”

Your full rivers flow;
Springs of life from Your throne,
Saturating the ground,
With Your abundance You crown,

You crown the year,
This year You crown.
Now and forever, always, evermore,
The Lord is on our side.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig