Son of God, Man of Sorrows,
Acquainted with grief, sickness, and pain;
Servant of God, Unblemished Lamb,
You never forgot why You came.
He came; Jesus came in the likeness of man,
Shorn by the marring, He suffered and died.
It’s done, the will of the Father and Son;
The Lamb’s sacrificed for the life of His bride.
Prince of Peace, Lion of Judah ,
You’ve risen and all is under Your feet.
Living Word, Truth, Light, and the Way,
Your fullness fills all and I AM is Your name.
Power and honor and glory
To the One Who is worthy to take up the scroll.
Every spiritual blessing, redemption,
By Your blood, in You, Your bride is made whole—
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,
He is worthy, for He was slain.
He has redeemed us to God for His glory,
With glory and trumpet blast He’ll come again.
Then the Lamb shall stand in the midst of the throne;
He’ll hold His pierced hand out and take up the scroll
And the Lion shall roar over tribes and nations.
“It’s finished! My bride is unblemished and whole!
“It’s finished! My bride is unblemished and whole!”
Author: Carolyn Roehrig