Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Peace Song

Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus, peace Jesus
Obtains for me.
Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus purchased at Calvary.

Have tongues wagged against me?
Do oppressors assemble?
Have fears come too near me?
Have trials made me tremble?

Jesus speaks!  Jesus speaks!
Jesus speaks for me.
I hear His voice!  I hear His voice!
Over all that has torn me.

Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus, peace Jesus
Obtains for me.
Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus purchased at Calvary.

“I am your Maker,
Your Husband, the Holy One.
I do not condemn you,
Nor put you to shame.

“Break into singing,
My tossed and afflicted one.
For you have I labored,
I give you My name!

Jesus speaks!  Jesus speaks!
Jesus speaks for me.
I hear His voice!  I hear His voice!
Over all that has torn me.

Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus, peace Jesus
Obtains for me.
Peace, peace, God’s peace,
Peace Jesus purchased at Calvary.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Friday, December 24, 2010

What Life is Born of Love

What life is born of love!
What courage in the sure knowledge of
Who I am and
Why it is so,
Where I fit in and
How I can know.

O, Jesus! You’ve shown me!
I’m born by Your blood!
O, Jesus! You’ve known me!
I’m overcome by Your love!

You’ve given the Spirit of wisdom and sight;
I’m delivered from darkness into Your light;
I’m chosen in Him,
He chose me!
He chose me!
In Jesus I’m holy,
To the praise of His glory!

I’ve trusted in Him;
Am His purchased possession,
I’m seated in Him
Above might and dominion!

O what life is born of love!
What courage in the sure knowledge of
Who I am and
Why it is so,
Where I fit in and
How I can know;

In Him I am born
Blameless and holy,
Guiltless, accepted, adopted, redeemed!
In Jesus I’m blessed,
Graced in abundance,
Fit to be filled with the fullness of Christ!

O what life is born of love!
What courage in the sure knowledge of
Who I am and
Why it is so,
Where I fit in and
How I can know;

O what life is born of love!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ephesians Three

O Church stand in awe,
O family of God,
The whole family in heaven and earth takes the name
Of the Father,
Of the only Son
Who rejoices to make us
His brethren.

As high as the heavens,
As deep the depths,
The love
     of the Lord
        is for
          His church.
As wide as the length
Of eternity,
O Church,
     know His love

O Church, know and see
This mystery,
That the wisdom of God that rules age to age,
That unites His nation,
That gathers His own
To joyfully join as one,
'Round His throne.

As high as the heavens,
As deep the depths,
The love
     of the Lord
       is for
         His church.
As wide as the length of eternity,
O Church
     know His love

O Church, bow your knee
To the Father of Christ
Who strengthens with might through His Spirit indwelling.
You are rooted and grounded,
Complete in His love,
You are filled beyond full
With power from above.

As high as the heavens,
As deep the depths,
The love
     of the Lord
       is for His church.
As wide as the length of eternity,
O Church
     know His love

Author: Carolyn Roehrig.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Matthew Nineteen:Fourteen

Let the children be brought to the Lord;
Let them be taught the power of His Word.
He longs to pray
That they would stay;
He wants to lay
His annointing on them.

He is my Shepherd;
He knows my name;
He shows me His staff;
I'm comforted, He came.
A sheep gone astray,
Return me today
To the fold full of joy.

I'm astonished, astonished by Your love for me,
By the joy You've prepared for Your eyes to see,
For of such children the kingdom is made;
The Son of Man came, the lost to save.

World-weary and wounded, He stays me, I rest;
I clasp His hand tightly; my tears wet His breast.
He lays His hand open;
His scars have spoken;
Oh, He was broken
And wounded for me.

"Let nothing hold you, My child, I'm here;
In My arms I'll fold you and dry your tears."
He's made me His pleasure;
He is my treasure;
There is no measure
For my Lord's love for me.

I'm astonished, astonished by Your love for me,
By the joy You've prepared for Your eyes to see,
For of such children the kingdom is made;
The Son of Man came, the lost to save.

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Monday, November 1, 2010


The Lord reigns on high;
He is clothed with majesty,
Robed with power and
Wrapped in light.

The Lord reigns on high;
His throne is established,
Rejoice in gladness,
He governs with might.

For though earthly floods dare to lift up their voice,
The Lord's might is higher and drowns out their noise.
And though waves and breakers roar and roll,
The wind of God's breath blows all over my soul!

Oh, come let us shout.
Come let us sing.
Come! Let us come to the throne of the King!

The King's reign is true;
His judgements are just;
Give glory and strength to the
One who is righteous.

Come into His courts;
With the righteous rejoice;
"His wonders are wondrous!"
Declare with one voice.

For though earthly floods dare to lift up their voice,
The Lord's might is higher and drowns out their noise.
And though waves and breakers roar and roll,
The wind of God's breath blows all over my soul!

Oh, come let us shout.
Come let us sing.
Come! Let us come to the throne of the King!

The Savior is strong;
The Savior is holy;
His name is the song of
His life given for me.

Proclaim His salvation
To every nation, then
Worship the Lord,
Exalted, above all.

For though earthly floods dare to lift up their voice,
The Lord's might is higher and drowns out their noise.
And though waves and breakers roar and roll,
The wind of God's breath blows all over my soul!

Oh, come let us shout.
Come let us sing.
Come! Let us come to the throne of the King!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Son of God, Man of Sorrows,
Acquainted with grief, sickness, and pain;
Servant of God, Unblemished Lamb,
You never forgot why You came.

He came; Jesus came in the likeness of man,
Shorn by the marring, He suffered and died.
It’s done, the will of the Father and Son;
The Lamb’s sacrificed for the life of His bride.

Prince of Peace, Lion of Judah,
You’ve risen and all is under Your feet.
Living Word, Truth, Light, and the Way,
Your fullness fills all and I AM is Your name.

Power and honor and glory
To the One Who is worthy to take up the scroll.
Every spiritual blessing, redemption,
By Your blood, in You, Your bride is made whole—

Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,
He is worthy, for He was slain.
He has redeemed us to God for His glory,
With glory and trumpet blast He’ll come again. 

Then the Lamb shall stand in the midst of the throne;
He’ll hold His pierced hand out and take up the scroll
And the Lion shall roar over tribes and nations.
“It’s finished!  My bride is unblemished and whole!
“It’s finished!  My bride is unblemished and whole!”

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm raised in Christ,
Arise what might
In the night when I stretch out my hand.
He covers me over
When I'm overcome,
Is my breath when my breath's been taken.

Then You call to remembrance
The songs that I sang
In the years of Your right hand, O God,
Of Your favor, Your mercy,
Your promise, Your grace-
Oh, Who is so great a God
As our God!

Unceasing I seek You,
You're already there.
I declare this, "Your strength's never broken!"
The waters would flood,
But the waters saw God,
They parted, "Delivered" 's been spoken.

Then You call to remembrance
The songs that I sang
In the years of Your right hand, O God,
Of Your favor, Your mercy,
Your promise, Your grace-
Oh, Who is so great a God
As our God!

Your path's in the deep;
Your way's in the sea;
Your footsteps unknown
But You lead to shore.
Your voice thunders in the whirling wind;
My night is lit by the light of my Lord.

Then You call to remembrance
The songs that I sang
In the years of Your right hand, O God,
Of Your favor, Your mercy,
Your promise, Your grace-
Oh, Who is so great a God
As our God!

Author: Carolyn Roehrig

Friday, September 24, 2010


High and lofty
God Who Is
And inhabits eternity,
Revives my spirit, revives my heart
And makes His home in me.

Your arms, stretched wide
On the cross of grace,
Close now around me
In claiming embrace.
Love's dance in Your eyes
Moves like a flame;
With Your song on my lips
I'll praise Your name.

You've seen my ways,
You're my first need;
Without You I'm bound up and broken.
But, "I will heal.  I will lead,"
My savior's word has spoken.

Your arms, stretched wide
On the cross of grace,
Close now around me
In claiming embrace.
Love's dance in Your eyes
Moves like a flame;
With Your song on my lips
I'll praise Your name.

My name is scrolled
In the book of Life.
I live!  I live! Oh yes, I live!
Your salvation, O God, sets the humble on high.
I receive all the peace and grace You give.

Your arms, stretched wide
On the cross of grace,
Close now around me
In claiming embrace.
Love's dance in Your eyes
Moves like a flame;
With Your song on my lips
I'll praise Your name.